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Patient Review for Botox Treatment at New Age in Ottawa
Watch this video to see our 40 year old patient’s Botox treatment with Courtney, our Expert Nurse Injector. If you have a preferred treatment date,...
Botoxpatient review
Join Us on October 17th!
Open House Event on October 17th RSVP for our Open House Event on October 17th! We are excited to announce that we are offering $5000 worth of door...
BotoxPlastic Surgeon in OttawaWeight Lossfacelift scarsscars after facelift
What Will My Scars Look Like After Facelift Surgery?
If you are considering a facelift, you’re likely wondering about the placement and visibility of scars after surgery. It’s a valid consideration, a...
FaceFaceLift Surgeryfacelift scarsscars after facelift
What is Recovery Like After Rhinoplasty?
Recovery after rhinoplasty typically involves several stages. Everyone responds to recovery uniquely, depending on the extent of surgery and how th...
FaceRhinoplastynose reshaping
How To Fix Saggy Breasts After Weight Loss
Weight loss, especially if significant, often leaves excess skin that causes breasts to lose volume and sag, resulting in a more flattened, deflate...
Breast LiftWeight Losslift breastsreshape breastssaggy breastsweight loss
Breast Lift vs. Breast Augmentation: Understanding the Difference
Aesthetic Goals & Surgical Results Incisions Recovery Combining Procedures Breast augmentation and breast lift are often combined to achieve optima...
Breast AugmentationBreast ImplantsBreast Liftlift breastsreshape breastssaggy breasts
Saggy Skin & Strech Mark Removal by Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck is a transformative procedure for patients struggling with excess abdominal skin. Saggy excess skin and stretch mark removal through t...
Body ContouringTummy TuckExcess Skin Removalsaggy skinStretch Marks
Tummy Tuck With Breast Augmentation: A Top Rated Combination
A tummy tuck performed at the same time as breast augmentation is a popular choice for many patients seeking cosmetic surgery. This combination, of...
Body ContouringTummy Tuckmommy makeovertummy tuck with breast augmentation
Can I Breastfeed After Having Breast Lift Surgery?
After breastfeeding, Dr. MacArthur advises patients to wait at least 6 months before undergoing breast lift surgery. This waiting period is essenti...
Breast Liftbreastfeeding
How Long Does Botox Last?
Botox is known for reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles and lines, improving facial shape and symmetry, and revitalizing the skin, taking yea...
Botoxhow long does botox last?
What is a Mini FaceLift?
A mini facelift is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure Dr. MacArthur performs to address signs of aging in the lower face and neck. This les...
FaceFaceLift Surgerymini facelift
What Will My Tummy Tuck Scars Look Like After Surgery?
When contemplating a tummy tuck, patients often wonder what scarring will look like after surgery. What is a Tummy Tuck? A tummy tuck is a cosmetic...
Body ContouringTummy Tuck
Can Botox Help with Acne?
Botox is primarily known for its use in reducing the appearance of wrinkles. However, there is some evidence that Botox can help to manage acne. Ho...
BotoxAcne TreatmentBotox treats acne
I Have Droopy Eyelids, Is Eyelid Surgery Right For Me?
Eyelid surgery, aka blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that can rejuvenate your upper and lower eyelids. Here are some indicators to help dete...
Eyelid SurgeryFacedroopy eyelids
Breast Lift Scar Placement: What to Expect After Surgery
One of the most common questions Dr. MacArthur gets about breast lift surgery is about the scars left after surgery. This post aims to provide insi...
Breast Liftbreast lift scarscost of breast lift ottawaperky breastssaggy breasts
How Much Is a Breast Lift in Ottawa, Ontario?
Breast lift surgery raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. Like many cosmetic procedures, the ...
Breast Liftcost of breast lift ottawaperky breastssaggy breasts
The Cost of Breast Implants in Ottawa and How It Is Determined
Breast implants have been the most popular form of cosmetic surgery since the 1960s. They enhance and restore the size and shape of a woman’s breas...
Breast AugmentationBreast ImplantsBreast Implant SizeSilicone Gel-Filled Implants
Understanding Rhinoplasty: Will Your Nose Be Broken During Surgery?
Many people considering rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a ‘nose job,’ often wonder about the surgical procedures involved. They are particularl...
FaceRhinoplastybroken nose
Understanding Capsular Contracture: Symptoms, Prevalence, and Treatment Options
Symptoms of Capsular Contracture Capsular contracture can develop slowly over time or suddenly, usually within the first two years after surgery. T...
Breast AugmentationBreast ImplantsBreast Implant Sizebreast liftcapsular contracture
How Do I Choose the Right Implant Size for Breast Augmentation?
When considering breast augmentation surgery, one of the most important decisions you will make is choosing the right size of breast implants. It’s...
Breast AugmentationBreast ImplantsBreast Implant Sizebreast lift
Achieving Natural FaceLift Results
As the demand for cosmetic surgery continues to rise, so does the desire for more natural-looking results. This is particularly relevant in the wor...
FaceFaceLift SurgeryAward Winning Plastic SurgeonFaceLift OttawaNatural FaceLift Results
How To Choose The Best Plastic Surgeon in Ottawa, Canada
Choosing the right plastic surgeon is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when considering a plastic surgery procedure. Not only is it ...
Plastic Surgeon in Ottawa
Rhinoplasty: What To Expect At Home Post Surgery
Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is a popular and highly effective cosmetic surgery to improve the shape and size of the nose. As with any surgery, so...
FaceRhinoplastynose jobnose surgeryrhinoplasty recovery
Breast Implants: Over vs. Under the Muscle – A Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective
Breast augmentation is among the most frequently performed cosmetic surgeries globally, with countless women seeking this procedure each year to en...
Breast AugmentationBreast ImplantsBreast ImplantsSaline Breast ImplantsSilicone Gel-Filled Implants
How Many Sizes Can I Lose by Getting a Tummy Tuck With Liposuction?
This is a common question we get at our practice in Ottawa. You’ve done the hard work to lose weight. Now you want to know your predicted size post...
Body ContouringLiposuctionTummy Tuckexcess skinGet Rid of Stubborn Tummy FatStretchmarks
Why Do Most Women Get a Breast Lift With Breast Augmentation?
Given the rising popularity of breast augmentation surgery, many women are now opting to combine breast implant surgery with a breast lift. Breast ...
Breast AugmentationBreast Liftbreast liftperky breastssaggy breastsSilicone Gel-Filled Implants
How Can a Breast Lift Fix My Sagging Breasts?
Excess sagging skin, due to weight loss or breastfeeding, can cause our breasts to look deflated. Breast Lift surgery is a popular cosmetic surgery...
Breast Liftbreast liftperky breastssaggy breasts
Why Do Most People Choose To Get Liposuction With Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Combining liposuction with a tummy tuck is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for people seeking to get rid of stubborn fat and excess ski...
Breast AugmentationBreast Augmentation SurgeryBreast ImplantsSilicone Gel-Filled Implants
What Are The Key Benefits of Choosing Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants?
I’m getting breast augmentation and still need to decide which type of breast implant is best for me. Why are silicone gel-filled breast implants t...
Breast AugmentationBreast Augmentation SurgeryBreast ImplantsSilicone Gel-Filled Implants
Get Rid of Stubborn Tummy Fat with Tummy Tuck and Liposuction in Ottawa
I’m tired of my stubborn fat, excess skin, and stretch marks on my tummy. What is the best way to get rid of it? If you’re tired of living with stu...
Body ContouringLiposuctionTummy TuckGet Rid of Stubborn Tummy FatSlimmer & Tighter TummyStretch MarksTummy Tuck
How Botox Prevents + Smooths Wrinkles, and Slims the Face for a Revitalized Appearance
What are the key benefits of botox, and what can I expect to see after my treatment? Botox is an injectable aesthetic treatment that helps to preve...
BotoxFaceUpdatesBotoxFacial SlimmingSmooth SkinWrinkles & Lines
What Are The Key Benefits of Lip Filler?
What are the top benefits of lip filler, and what can I expect to see for my results? Lip fillers are a popular aesthetic treatment that can help y...
FillerUpdatesLip Filler
What Are The Most Popular Areas to Treat With Botox?
Botox is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments in the world. It is a non-surgical procedure that reduces the appearance of wrinkles by tempo...
BotoxUpdatesBotoxSmooth SkinWrinkles & Lines
Welcome to New Age Medical Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery Blog!
Welcome to New Age Medical Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery website! We are the new clinic of Dr. Ian MacArthur, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon wh...